Source code for smc_monitoring.monitors.vpns

Get all active VPN SA's.

Create a query to obtain all connections for a given engine::

    query = VPNSAQuery('sg_vm')
Add a timezone to the query::

Execute query and return raw results::

    for records in query.fetch_batch():

Execute query and return as a :class:`.VPNSecurityAssoc` element::

    for records in query.fetch_as_element():

Delete a VPN SA::

    query = VPNSAQuery('sg_vm')
    for sa in query.fetch_as_element():
.. seealso:: :class:`smc_monitoring.models.filters` for more information on creating filters

from smc_monitoring.models.query import Query
from smc_monitoring.models.constants import LogField
from smc.base.model import prepared_request
from smc.api.exceptions import DeleteElementFailed

[docs]class VPNSAQuery(Query): """ Show all current VPN SA's on the specified target. :ivar list field_ids: field IDs are the default fields for this entry type and are constants found in :class:`smc_monitoring.models.constants.LogField` :param str target: name of target engine/cluster """ location = '/monitoring/session/socket' field_ids = [ LogField.TIMESTAMP, LogField.NODEID, LogField.VPNID, LogField.SECURITYGATEWAY, LogField.PEERSECURITYGATEWAY, LogField.IKECOOKIE, LogField.ENDPOINT, LogField.PEERENDPOINT, LogField.SACLASS, LogField.CIPHERALG, LogField.NEGOTIATIONROLE, LogField.SRCADDRS, LogField.DSTADDRS, LogField.PROTOCOL, LogField.NUMBYTESSENT, LogField.NUMBYTESRECEIVED, LogField.EXPIRATIONTIME] def __init__(self, target, **kw): super(VPNSAQuery, self).__init__('VPN_SA', target, **kw)
[docs] def fetch_as_element(self, **kw): """ Fetch the results and return as a VPNSecurityAssoc element. The original query is not modified. :return: generator of elements :rtype: :class:`~VPNSecurityAssoc` """ clone = self.copy() clone.format.field_format('id') for custom_field in ['field_ids', 'field_names']:, None) for list_of_results in clone.fetch_raw(**kw): for entry in list_of_results: yield VPNSecurityAssoc(**entry)
[docs]class VPNSecurityAssoc(object): """ A VPN Security Association represents a currently connected VPN endpoint. This is the result of making a :class:`.VPNSAQuery` and using :meth:`~VPNSAQuery.fetch_as_element`. """ def __init__(self, **data): self.vpn = data @property def href(self): return self.vpn.get('vpn_sa_href') def delete(self): return prepared_request( DeleteElementFailed, href=self.href).delete() @property def timestamp(self): """ Timestamp of this connection. It is recommended to set the timezone on the query to view this timestamp in the systems local time. For example:: query.format.timezone('CST') :rtype: str """ return self.vpn.get(str(LogField.TIMESTAMP)) @property def engine(self): """ The engine/cluster for this VPN :rtype: str """ return self.vpn.get(str(LogField.NODEID)) @property def local_gateway(self): """ Local gateway for this VPN. :rtype: str """ return self.vpn.get(str(LogField.SECURITYGATEWAY)) @property def peer_gateway(self): """ Peer gateway for this VPN. :rtype: str """ return self.vpn.get(str(LogField.PEERSECURITYGATEWAY)) @property def local_endpoint(self): """ Local endpoint (IP address) for this VPN tunnel. :rtype: str """ return self.vpn.get(str(LogField.ENDPOINT)) @property def peer_endpoint(self): """ Peer endpoint element and IP Address for this tunnel. :rtype: str """ return self.vpn.get(str(LogField.PEERENDPOINT)) @property def local_networks(self): """ Local protected networks :rtype: str """ return self.vpn.get(str(LogField.SRCADDRS)) @property def peer_networks(self): """ Remote protected networks :rtype: str """ return self.vpn.get(str(LogField.DSTADDRS)) @property def vpn_id(self): return self.vpn.get(str(LogField.VPNID)) @property def sa_type(self): """ SA Type for this VPN tunnel. Each VPN tunnel will typically have at least two entries, one for IPSEC and another for IKE. :rtype: str """ return self.vpn.get(str(LogField.SACLASS)) @property def protocol(self): """ WHich protocol is associated with this tunnel entry. :return: IP protocol for tunnel, i.e. ESP/UDP :rtype: str """ return self.vpn.get(str(LogField.PROTOCOL)) @property def negotiation_role(self): """ Role for this tunnel entry. :return: Negotiation role, i.e. Initiator, Responder, etc. :rtype: str """ return self.vpn.get(str(LogField.NEGOTIATIONROLE)) @property def bytes_sent(self): """ Number of bytes sent. :rtype: int """ return int(self.vpn.get(str(LogField.NUMBYTESSENT), 0)) @property def bytes_received(self): """ Number of bytes received. :rtype: int """ return int(self.vpn.get(str(LogField.NUMBYTESRECEIVED), 0)) @property def expiration(self): """ Expiration time for this tunnel Security Association :rtype: str """ return self.vpn.get(str(LogField.EXPIRATIONTIME)) def __str__(self): return '{}(local={},peer={},localip={},peerip={},satype={})'.format( self.__class__.__name__, self.local_gateway, self.peer_gateway, self.local_endpoint, self.peer_endpoint, self.sa_type) def __repr__(self): return str(self)