
Resources in the Stonesoft Management Center are typically accessed in a couple different ways.

The first would be by using the elements collection interface to search for elements of a specific type.

For example, if you are looking for Hosts by a given IP address:

>>> from import Host
>>> list(Host.objects.filter('192.168'))
[Host(name=aws-, Host(name=host-, Host(name=host-, Host(name=host-]

See Collections for more information on search capabilities.

It is also possible to access resources directly:

>>> from smc.core.engine import Engine
>>> engine = Engine('sg_vm')
>>> print(list(engine.nodes))
[Node(name=ngf-1065), Node(name=ngf-1035)]

>>> print(list(engine.routing))
[Routing(name=Interface 0,level=interface), Routing(name=Interface 1,level=interface), Routing(name=Interface 2,level=interface), Routing(name=Tunnel Interface 2000,level=interface), Routing(name=Tunnel Interface 2001,level=interface)]

Retrieving a specific host element by name:

>>> from import Host
>>> host = Host('kali')
>>> print(host.href)

When elements are referenced initially, they are lazy loaded until attributes or methods of the element are used that require the data. Once an element has been ‘inflated’ due to a reference being called (property, method, etc), the resultant element data is stored in a per instance cache.

Example of how elements are lazy loaded:

>>> from import Host
>>> host = Host('kali')
>>> vars(host)
{'_meta': None, '_name': 'kali'}        #Base level attributes, only instance created
>>> host.href   # Call to retrieve this resource link reference loads instance meta (1 SMC query)
>>> vars(host)
{'_meta': Meta(name=u'kali', href=u'', type=u'host'), '_name': 'kali'}
>>>   # Request to a method/attribute that requires the data attribute inflates the instance (1 SMC query)
{u'comment': u'this is a searchable comment', u'read_only': False, u'ipv6_address': u'2001:db8:85a3::8a2e:370:7334', u'name': u'kali', u'third_party_monitoring': {u'netflow': False, u'snmp_trap': False}, u'system': False, u'link': [{u'href': u'', u'type': u'host', u'rel': u'self'}, {u'href': u'', u'rel': u'export'}, {u'href': u'', u'rel': u'search_category_tags_from_element'}], u'key': 978, u'address': u'', u'secondary': [u'']}
>>> vars(host)
{'data': {u'comment': u'this is a searchable comment', u'read_only': False, u'ipv6_address': u'2001:db8:85a3::8a2e:370:7334', u'name': u'kali', u'third_party_monitoring': {u'netflow': False, u'snmp_trap': False}, u'system': False, u'link': [{u'href': u'', u'type': u'host', u'rel': u'self'}, {u'href': u'', u'rel': u'export'}, {u'href': u'', u'rel': u'search_category_tags_from_element'}], u'key': 978, u'address': u'', u'secondary': [u'']}, '_meta': Meta(name=u'kali', href=u'', type=u'host'), '_name': 'kali'}

At most 2 queries will be required to retrieve an element as a resource.

Cache contents can be viewed in their raw json format by calling the ‘data’ property.


When modifications are made to a specific element, they are submitted back to the SMC using the originally retrieved ETag to ensure the element has not been modified since the original retrieval.