
Policies are available for all 3 firewall roles, Firewall, Layer2 and IPS. The only initial requirement to create a policy is to reference a policy template. The policy template is a pre-configured set of best practice rules that provide connectivity and enables basic features such as stateful inspection, etc.

Obtaining available templates can be achieved through the collections interface:

>>> from smc.policy.layer3 import FirewallTemplatePolicy
>>> FirewallTemplatePolicy.objects.all()
>>> print(list(FirewallTemplatePolicy.objects.all()))
[FirewallTemplatePolicy(name=Firewall Inspection Template), FirewallTemplatePolicy(name=Firewall Template)]

Example of creating a basic layer 3 policy; reference template by name:

>>> from smc.policy.layer3 import FirewallPolicy
>>> FirewallPolicy.create('newpolicy', template='Firewall Template')

Loading an existing policy is similar to obtaining other elements:

>>> policy = FirewallPolicy('newpolicy')
>>> policy.template
FirewallTemplatePolicy(name=Firewall Template)

Once a policy instance has been obtained, rules (policy or NAT) can be added, viewed, or removed.

Example of creating a rule for a firewall policy:

>>> policy.fw_ipv4_access_rules.create(name='newrule', sources='any', destinations='any', services='any', action='permit')

#View all rules
>>> for rule in policy.fw_ipv4_access_rules.all():
...   print(rule.name, rule.sources, rule.destinations, rule.services)
('newrule', <smc.policy.rule_elements.Source object at 0x1050d3b50>, <smc.policy.rule_elements.Destination object at 0x1050d3dd0>, <smc.policy.rule_elements.Service object at 0x1050d3f50>)

NAT can be applied as dynamic source NAT, static source NAT, or static destination NAT.

Example of creating a dynamic source NAT rule:

>>> from smc.policy.layer3 import FirewallPolicy
>>> from smc.elements.network import Host
>>> policy = FirewallPolicy('newpolicy')
>>> policy.fw_ipv4_nat_rules.create(name='mynat',
...                                 sources=[Host('kali')],
...                                 destinations='any',
...                                 services='any',
...                                 dynamic_src_nat='',
...                                 dynamic_src_nat_ports=(1024,65535))

Example of creating a destination NAT rule where the destination is to Host(‘’) and will be translated to ‘’:

>>> policy.fw_ipv4_nat_rules.create(name='mynat',
...                                 sources='any',
...                                 destinations=[Host('')],
...                                 services='any',
...                                 static_dst_nat='')

Create an any/any no NAT rule (no value for NAT field):

>>> policy.fw_ipv4_nat_rules.create(name='nonat',sources='any',destinations='any',services='any')

For additional NAT related options, see: smc.policy.rule_nat.IPv4NATRule