Source code for smc.routing.bgp_access_list

import collections
from smc.base.model import Element
from smc.routing.access_list import AccessList

ASPathListEntry = collections.namedtuple('ASPathListEntry',
        'expression action comment')
The ASPathAccessList is an iterable container and will return
instances of :class:`~ASPathListEntry`.

:ivar str expression: string expression identifying the AS path
:ivar str action: 'permit' or 'deny'
:ivar str comment: optional comment
ASPathListEntry.__new__.__defaults__ = (None,) * len(ASPathListEntry._fields)

[docs]class ASPathAccessList(AccessList, Element): """ An AS path is the autonomous systems that routing information passed through to get to a specified router. It indicates the origin of this route. The AS path is used to prevent routing loops in BGP. ASPathAccessLists can be used as a MatchCondition in a RouteMap:: >>> aspath = ASPathAccessList.create(name='aspath', entries=[ ... {'expression': '123-456', 'action': 'permit'}, ... {'expression': '1234-567', 'action': 'deny'}]) >>> aspath ASPathAccessList(name=aspath) >>> aspath.add_entry(expression='897', action='permit') >>> aspath.update() '' ... >>> aspath.remove_entry(expression='123-456') >>> aspath.update() '' >>> for entry in aspath: ... entry ... ASPathListEntry(expression=u'1234-567', action=u'deny', comment=None) ASPathListEntry(expression=u'897', action=u'permit', comment=None) This is an iterable container yielding :class:`ASPathListEntry`. .. seealso:: :class:`~ASPathListEntry` for valid `create` and add/remove parameters """ typeof = 'as_path_access_list' _view = ASPathListEntry
CommunityListEntry = collections.namedtuple('CommunityListEntry', 'community action comment') """ The CommunityAccessList represents the entries for the community access lists. :ivar str community: community id :ivar str action: 'permit' or 'deny' :ivar str comment: optional comment """ CommunityListEntry.__new__.__defaults__ = (None,) * len(CommunityListEntry._fields)
[docs]class CommunityAccessList(AccessList, Element): """ A CommunityAccessList is used to provide specific rules for BGP configurations providing and permit/deny capability based on the community defined. CommunityAccessLists can be used in a RouteMap match condition to refine the policy for a specific announced network. When creating a new community ACL, `entries` is expecting a list of dict items using the valid field and values of this class. For example:: >>> from smc.routing.community_list import CommunityAccessList >>> comm = CommunityAccessList.create(name='commacl', entries=[{'community': 123, 'action': 'permit'},{'community': 456, 'action': 'deny'}], type='standard') >>> comm CommunityAccessList(name=commacl) You can optionally also create an empty access list and use :meth:`add_entry` to insert entries after:: >>> comm.add_entry(community=789, action='permit') >>> comm.update() Iterating the access list will return :class:`~CommunityListEntry`:: >>> for entries in comm: ... entries ... CommunityListEntry(community=u'789', action=u'permit', comment=None) CommunityListEntry(community=u'456', action=u'deny', comment=None) CommunityListEntry(community=u'123', action=u'permit', comment=None) The `type` parameter for the `create` constructor can have values `standard` or `expanded`. If using `expanded`, the access list can then use a regex for matching the community string. This is an iterable container yielding :class:`CommunityListEntry`. .. seealso:: :class:`~CommunityListEntry` for valid `create` and add/remove parameters :ivar str type: 'standard' or 'expanded' (specify as kw when in `create` constructor when creating the top level access list. """ typeof = 'community_access_list' _view = CommunityListEntry
ExtCommunityListEntry = collections.namedtuple('ExtCommunityListEntry', 'community action type') """ The ExtCommunityListEntry represents the entries for the extended community access lists. :ivar str community: community id :ivar str action: 'permit' or 'deny' :ivar str type: 'rt' (Route Target) or 'soo' (Site of Origin) (required) """ ExtCommunityListEntry.__new__.__defaults__ = (None,) * len(ExtCommunityListEntry._fields)
[docs]class ExtendedCommunityAccessList(AccessList, Element): """ Extended community access lists with the ability to specify route target or start of origin for an entry. ExtendedCommunityAccessLists can be used in a RouteMap match condition to refine the policy for a specific announced network:: >>> comm = ExtendedCommunityAccessList.create(name='comm', entries=[ ... {'community': 123, 'action': 'permit', 'type': 'rt'}, ... {'community': 456, 'action': 'deny', 'type': 'soo'}], ... type='standard') >>> comm ExtendedCommunityAccessList(name=comm) >>> comm.add_entry(community=789, action='permit', type='rt') >>> comm.update() ... >>> comm.remove_entry(community=123) >>> comm.update() '' >>> for entry in comm: ... entry ... ExtCommunityListEntry(community=u'456', action=u'deny', comment=None, type=u'soo') ExtCommunityListEntry(community=u'789', action=u'permit', comment=None, type=u'rt') This is an iterable container yielding :class:`ExtCommunityListEntry`. .. seealso:: :class:`~ExtCommunityListEntry` for valid `create` and add/remove parameters :ivar str type: 'standard' or 'expanded' (specify as kw when in `create` constructor when creating the top level access list. """ typeof = 'extended_community_access_list' _view = ExtCommunityListEntry