Source code for smc.core.resource

import collections
from smc.api.exceptions import EngineCommandFailed
from smc.base.model import SubElement, Element
from smc.base.util import datetime_from_ms
from smc.base.structs import SerializedIterable

[docs]class Snapshot(SubElement): """ Policy snapshots currently held on the SMC. You can retrieve all snapshots at the engine level and view details of each:: for snapshot in engine.snapshots: print(snapshot) Snapshots can be generated manually, but also will be generated automatically when a policy is pushed:: engine.generate_snapshot(filename='') Snapshots can also be downloaded:: for snapshot in engine.snapshots: if == 'blah snapshot': Snapshot filename will be <snapshot_name>.zip if not specified. """
[docs] def download(self, filename=None): """ Download snapshot to filename :param str filename: fully qualified path including filename .zip :raises EngineCommandFailed: IOError occurred downloading snapshot :return: None """ if not filename: filename = '{}{}'.format(, '.zip') try: self.make_request( EngineCommandFailed, resource='content', filename=filename) except IOError as e: raise EngineCommandFailed("Snapshot download failed: {}" .format(e))
[docs]class PendingChanges(SerializedIterable): """ Pending changes apply to the engine having changes that have not yet been committed. Retrieve from the engine level:: >>> for changes in engine.pending_changes.all(): ... print(changes, changes.resolve_element) ... (ChangeRecord(approved_on=u'', changed_on=u'2017-07-12 15:24:40 (GMT)', element=u'', event_type=u'stonegate.object.update', modifier=u'admin'), FirewallCluster(name=sg_vm)) Approve all changes:: >>> engine.pending_changes.approve_all() Conversely, reject all pending changes:: >>> engine.pending_changes.disapprove_all() :raises ActionCommandFailed: failure to retrieve pending changes :rtype: ChangeRecord """ def __init__(self, engine): result = engine.make_request( resource='pending_changes') self.engine = engine super(PendingChanges, self).__init__(result, ChangeRecord)
[docs] def approve_all(self): """ Approve all pending changes :raises ActionCommandFailed: possible permissions issue :return: None """ self.engine.make_request( method='create', resource='approve_all_changes')
[docs] def disapprove_all(self): """ Disapprove all pending changes :raises ActionCommandFailed: possible permissions issue :return: None """ self.engine.make_request( method='create', resource='disapprove_all_changes')
[docs]class ChangeRecord(collections.namedtuple( 'ChangeRecord', 'approved_on changed_on element event_type modifier')): """ Change record details for any pending changes. :param approved_on: approved on datetime, may be empty if not approved :param change_on: changed on datetime :param element: element affected :param event_type: type of change, update, delete, etc. :param modifier: account making the modification """ __slots__ = () @property def resolve_element(self): return Element.from_href(self.element)
_History = collections.namedtuple('History', 'creation_time creator creator_name ' 'is_locked is_obsolete is_trashed last_modification_time modifier') _History.__new__.__defaults__ = (None,) * len(_History._fields)
[docs]class History(_History): """ History description of this element. This will provide basic information about the element such as when it was created, last modified along with the accounts making the modifications. :ivar bool is_locked: is this record currently locked :ivar bool is_osbsolete: is this record obsoleted :ivar bool is_trashed: is the record in the trash bin """ __slots__ = () @property def created_by(self): """ The account that created this element. Returned as an Element. :rtype: Element """ return Element.from_href(self.creator) @property def modified_by(self): """ The account that last modified this element. :rtype: Element """ return Element.from_href(self.modifier) @property def when_created(self): """ When the element was created as a datetime object :rtype: datetime """ return datetime_from_ms(self.creation_time) @property def last_modified(self): """ When the element was last modified as a datetime object :rtype: datetime """ return datetime_from_ms(self.last_modification_time) def __repr__(self): return 'History(is_locked={}, is_obsolete={}, is_trashed={})'.format( self.is_locked, self.is_obsolete, self.is_trashed)